Participation is $25, and all proceeds will benefit the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. If you'd like to participate email sarah@atlascrossfit.com. Volunteer counters are also needed, so please call CF Tri-Cities if you’re interested (630.492.0029).
Jeff Alexander, founder of Network Fitness, will be holding a two-day Self-Myofascial Release clinic at ACF June 26-27 from 8am-5pm both days. If you're unfamiliar with SMR, it's a method of self-care that works your body from head to toe. During this clinic, you'll learn which muscles contribute to proper joint function and which ones limit proper function when they lock up. You'll learn techniques that will help with muscle-related issues and/or soreness, cues for proper placement and body position and when it's time to call a licensed therapist. Click here to learn more about SMR.
In order to hold the clinic at ACF, Jeff needs at least 15 participants. There are two cost options for the clinic.
1. For $445, you receive the following: written instructions in a 170-page course workbook, an SMR tool kit that includes the Footballer, 2 massage balls, the Baller Block, Quadballer and GRID from Trigger Point Performance (valued at $200) and 2 full days of hands-on instruction.
2. For $350, you receive the following: written instructions in a 170-page course workbook and 2 full days of hands-on instruction.
The clinic covers all 60 movements on the first day. We will review it all in the first half of the second day and take turns teaching the 18 fundamental movements during the second half to make sure all participants are comfortable with the concepts. There will be a written test at the end of the clinic.
To register for the clinic, click here.Atlas CrossFit will be hosting a CFE certification with Brian MacKenzie this weekend. This is a great chance for athletes of all levels to learn how CFE can help your training with that next big race!
Spend 2 full days with one of the CrossFit Endurance staff learning, studying, and applying the principles of CrossFit Endurance. You will learn how CrossFit Endurance works for endurance athletes and CrossFit athletes. You will learn how to apply and progress training at an individual and group level. You will also learn basic mechanics of running essentials.