The holiday season is quickly approaching, and for many of us, that means food temptations around every corner. The average person gains 1-3 lbs during the holiday season with extra parties, delicious food, and all the activities that keep us from our normal fitness routine. Atlas has devised a challenge for you to not only prevent weight gain this holiday season but to lose big!
On November 8th, Atlas will be kicking off our next challenge, THE HOLIDAY MELTDOWN, partner style. This 6-week challenge is specifically focused on weight loss, body composition changes and dialing in our nutrition and eating habits.
Each participant will choose a partner to encourage, motivate and hold them accountable through the duration of this challenge. (Partners will be assigned if needed.)
Why have a partner? We ALL need a little extra motivation... and holiday season especially brings about more than the average number of excuses for falling off the "resemblance of eating anything healthy" wagon.
Cost to participate is $50 per athlete and the challenge will include:
- initial body assessments, before/after photos, a goal-setting session, nutrition lecture and more. A coach will also be assigned to help each team stay on track and offer advice for optimal success.
Everyone can benefit from accountability and motivation, and this challenge promises to do that, as well as starve off that winter weight gain. ACF will set guidelines for your nutrition and WOD logging along the way but your partner will offer the most motivation. They can't win if you don't win!
*The winning team will be chosen by the combined percentage of weight and body-fat lost by each partner.
Kick-off meeting will be Thursday night, Nov. 4th. Click here to sign up!
We'll be following up with a performance-based challenge in early 2011, so stay tuned for more opportunities to improve!